On the estimation of COVID-19

Jialin Lu   luxxxlucy.github.io


I give a web tool to compute the estimated total number of cases, by allowing you to interactively adjust the predefined values.

Tangle document

Another tryout (In Chinese) using Idyll+vega-lite can be seen here.

Drag on the numbers to change the value.

Suppose we have confirmed cases abroad Number of cases confirmed with severity (that need hospitalisation).

Let us further assume that everyday, passengers go abroad from the Wuhan Airport.
The population The catchment population of Wuhan Airport area of Wuhan City that live near by the Wuhan Airport is million and the duration window of 2019-nCoV is days (including incubation and the develop of symptoms until detection).

Then the estimated total number of cases in Wuhan is .


Imai et al. (2020Imai, Natsuko, Ilaria Dorigatti, Anne Cori, Steven Riley, and Neil M. Ferguson. 2020. “Estimating the potential total number of novel Coronavirus cases in Wuhan City, China.” Imperial College London .), a research group from Imperial College London, made a simple estimation of the total number of the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases stemmed recently in Wuhan City, China. The method of estimation is in general valid and sound1 I will say it is too naive and simple. Yet it does have certain degree of concerns:

  1. This model is too simple (in other words too general) anyway, a lot of features like the information of sequential dynamics is not utilized or considered at all.
  2. as for most of epidemiological methods, this estimation requires many underlying asumptions and approximations, although most of which seem justified to me.

Here I provided an interactive estimation, where you can manipulate the values of assumptions and see how this will change the final result accordingly2 For example, if there are more abroad cases identified.

How is it computed?

Basically, the estimated total number is computed by maximum likelihood estimation(MLE). But since it is under a bionomial assumption, in fact it is just computed in a very straight forward manner.

  num_intl_case = 3 # Exported number of confirmed cases
  num_intl_passenger = 3301 # Daily international passengers travelling out of Wuhan International airport
  catchment_in_million = 19 # (in million) Effective catchment population of Wuhan airport
  catchment = catchment_in_million * 10^6
  detection_window = 10 # (in days) Detection window

  p_intl_daily = num_intl_passenger / catchment # daily prob of international travel
  p = p_intl_daily * detection_window # the probability any one case will be detected overseas

  num_case = num_intl_case / p # the final result, total number of cases,
## [1] 1726.749
  num_case = as.integer(num_case)
## [1] 1726

About the assumptions

There are, in fact, many other assumptions underlying the performed esimation.How would the number change, if the assumptions change?


I will not think it is a decently advanced modelling, this entirety of thing to me is too 20-century basic. But I nonetheless understand the difficulty here, you just do not have the auxiliary information to go sophisticated: you only got these simple data, then you only got to do it simply.